Auriesville 2023

Despite restrictions, the annual Auriesville Pilgrimage still drew a crowd.
This year, though we were not allowed to celebrate Mass on the grounds of the Auriesville shrine, nearly 600 people from over 15 SSPX chapels still made the annual 10-mile pilgrimage, including a contingent of sisters and students from the Dominican school in Massena, NY and three SSPX sisters from Browerville, MN. At the half-way point on the route, the newly ordained Fr. Gregory Pfeiffer offered a solemn high Mass which the pilgrims attended under the open air, thanking God for the good weather! We completed the pilgrimage with a visit to the Ravine and the singing of the Litany of Saints as we entered the Coliseum at the Shrine, where Fr. Pfeiffer offered first blessings.